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Hitz Halter Insulation

If you're looking for the best insulation for your home or business, look no further than Hitz Halter. It is designed especially for radiant floor heat with a simple solution for putting PEX tubing down - plastic staples fasten the PEX directly to the insulation. It simplifies rebar spacing, tapes together easily, and comes fan folded in 4ft. x 24ft. Their insulation is made from 100% virgin materials, includes Preventol® termiticide, includes a built-in vapor barrierand is designed to provide superior energy efficiency. Plus, the insulation is easy to install!

We recommend using a tape like Georgia-Pacific Forcefield to tape all your seams.

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Use the calculator below to estimate the number of skids you need to order. Below is a calculator for a single structure, or a calculator if your residence and garage/shop space are separate or different size structures.

One Structure Calc

Multi-Size Structure Calc

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